Often we are so busy going about our business the best way we can, we fail to take a breather and look around us, at our rapidly changing world. While our political leaders continue to argue how we should best address climate change, our costs of providing a solution continue to escalate.
In many instances, we are still building the same way we did years ago. Double cavity brick external walls are just one of the many examples of this process. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying “The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." The risks we face in continuing to build using tried and proven methods increase almost daily. For instance, we can easily obtain data to prove rainfall patterns are drastically changing and are predicted to change even further in future. Not only are we getting less rainfall in southern parts of Western Australia, but when the rain does fall, the intensity is increasing. Combine that with stronger winds and no wonder home owners are already experiencing problems with gutters overflowing and roofs lifting. All the while we point to our building codes and standards and gain some comfort in telling the home owner that we designed and built the house in accordance with current standards. What’s wrong with going beyond current standards to mitigate these problems? In doing so, we produce a better product that will require less maintenance during its life. It will also be better suited to our future climate. At Bezant Consulting, every home we design is specified to standards higher than current legislation requires. We can assist both businesses and home owners understand the risk and efficiently adopt a mitigation strategy that will improve the sustainability credentials of the finished product. As Climate Leaders trained by the Climate Reality Project we offer free climate change presentations to increase awareness of the problems we face and to suggest solutions. Talks can range from lunch box presentations to staff in their workplace, to seminars or conference presentations or even to evening chats in your own home. Register your interest today by filling in the enquiry form on this page. Understanding climate change is the first step in providing a solution. |